1. Introduction to Article 6:
    • Objective: Article 6 aims to facilitate international cooperation in achieving emission reduction goals by establishing mechanisms for the transfer of mitigation outcomes between countries.
  2. Mechanisms under Article 6:
    • Article 6.2 (Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes – ITMOs):
    • Definition: ITMOs allow countries to transfer portions of their achieved emission reductions to other nations.
    • Trading System: Countries can engage in the buying and selling of emission reductions, fostering a global marketplace for carbon credits.
    • Article 6.4 (The Sustainable Development Mechanism – SDM):
    • Purpose: SDM promotes sustainable development by enabling countries to create emission reduction projects.
    • Project Flexibility: Allows a country to use emissions reductions from projects in another nation to meet its own mitigation targets.
  3. Environmental Integrity and Avoidance of Double Counting:
    • Emphasis on Integrity: Article 6 underscores the importance of maintaining the environmental integrity of transferred mitigation outcomes.
    • Double Counting Prevention: Strict rules are established to prevent the same emission reduction from being counted by both the selling and buying countries.
  4. Accounting Principles:
    • Transparency: Robust accounting rules are in place to ensure transparent, accurate, and accountable tracking of emission reductions and transfers.
    • Verification: Establishes a verification process to validate the accuracy of reported emissions reductions.
    1. Safeguards for Biodiversity and Human Rights:
      • Ecosystem Protection: Includes safeguards to prevent harm to the integrity of ecosystems and biodiversity.
      • Human Rights Considerations: Ensures respect for human rights and the rights of indigenous peoples in the implementation of Article 6 mechanisms.
      1. Cooperative Approaches:
        • Flexibility: Encourages the development of cooperative approaches involving multiple parties.
        • Facilitating Broader Participation: Allows for a flexible and inclusive approach to achieving emission reduction targets.
      2. Market Mechanisms and Cost-Effectiveness:
        • Market-Based Instruments: Provides a framework for the use of market mechanisms to drive emission reductions.
        • Cost-Effectiveness: Aims to achieve emission reduction goals in a cost-effective manner while promoting sustainable development.
      3. Guidance and Supervision:
        • Supervisory Body: Calls for the establishment of a supervisory body to provide guidance and ensure the proper functioning of Article 6 mechanisms.
        • Oversight: This body plays a crucial role in overseeing the implementation of cooperative approaches and market mechanisms.